Me & My Narrow Pelvic Arch

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I saw my doctor today and she gave me the low down. I was apparently mistaken all these years in thinking the problem had something to do with my cervix, because what's actually going to prevent me from having my baby naturally is my NARROW PELVIC ARCH.

Big babies and narrow pelvic arches apparently do not mix well. According to my doctor there is a slim chance that natural birth could be possible, but she's strongly advising me against trying. She says the risk is too great that complications during birth will cause brain damage, cerebral palsy, and shoulder dystocia. If the baby were smaller or comes early, she said, it would be less of a big deal. But he isn't, so it is. Pretty scary stuff.

My pelvis is shaped like this:

but the baby would prefer if it were shaped like this:

Just a few months ago, a woman with a narrow pelvic arch who's child suffered severe brain damage from an attempted natural birth won a 21 million dollar lawsuit against her doctors. What I'm wondering is, how come no one has ever been straight with me about this until now? Why has it always been this murky thing my gyno's have mentioned in passing?

I'm not sure why, but this is making me feel all sorts of funny things.


Renee said...
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Renee said...

This makes me feel funny things, too. Why on earth would they not tell you about this earlier on? So you wouldn't "worry"? Hmm. EFF DOCTORS! I know that no matter what happens, everything is going to work out well. I can just feel it. Remember: I'm never too far away if you need me. I love you!

Elle said...

This comment is late, but I just wanted to tell you that I found out that I had a narrow pelvic arch when it came time to push!! My baby came at 38 weeks- and was 6lb 1oz. I had a natural birth but it sure wasn't easy. I'm glad everything worked out the way it did though.

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