Monday, June 16, 2008

I'd been working on a mix for a while that's sort of about maturing. Acknowledging that I was really going to be someone's mother was eye opening to me. I had a lot of demons I'd ignored facing for a long time, but knew I'd have to put them all behind me if I was ever going to be the sort of partner and mother I needed to be for my new family. This little mix is just a little peek into my journey.

I hope you like it!


Sarah Lynn Knowles said...

i'd prefer one about rat pack actually.

Renee said...

I started listening to this mix off your facebook page before you even posted it here, and I thought there had to be some meaning behind it! Good Gillian Welch choice. The whole mix is really moving. It makes me miss you a lot. <3 (p.s. I think I might start my own blog soon!)

Cait! said...

Sarah: What songs could be on a Pack Rat mix? "Abra, abra, cadabra- I wanna reach out and grab ya"?

@ Renee: I'm so glad you like it! Muxtape, since it only allows a certain amount of songs, really forces me to fine tune them and FAST, instead of letting me sit at my computer adding songs for years, haha. It means a lot to me- I may play it at the birth. And YES to starting a blog- please do! I'll "add it to my blog roll," heh heh.

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