New Friend

Monday, August 4, 2008

For the past week or so, every few times I go outside to have a cigarette (yes, I'm smoking again- sort of. Let's not talk about it.), there's been a bunny on our front lawn. I'm not sure where s/he's living and have yet to see any other rabbits, but s/he pops up fairly frequently and seems to enjoy scarfing the out of control crab grass that's slowly strangling what used to be my grandmother's lawn.

Little Buddy

I never try to get too close to it or hold it or anything, obviously- I don't want it to stop coming around. If I'm outside smoking in the first place, chances are I'm having a pretty rough time inside (what up colic, holla), so seeing the bunny is like a surprise joy supplement exactly when I need it.


M. Dennis said...

I'm pretty sure rabbits are my spirit guide. When my mother had a house, I used to see them in her yard pretty consistently. Then at college I would run into baby bunnies, grown up bunnies, bunnies sparring, and so on. Rabbits are kinda a big deal. They were obviously put on earth to comfort teh humans.

Cait! said...


I totally believe that! Isn't nature amazing? I swear if people would just slow down they'd notice how tapped in every living thing is with every other. And rabbits are one of the best spirit guides I could imagine.

Also, bunnies sparring? Awesome! That's something I'd definitely like to see.

Sarah Lynn Knowles said...

aw. theres bunnies at my parents' new house too, and i got a chance to see them chasing after them when i was home too.

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