"Yeah. I have to stay functional too. I'm 'too important.'" -John Connor

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I spent the morning doing a written interpretation of the lovely Gillian's natal chart for her birthday (which is today! Happy Birthday again!), something I'd never done before. It took a pretty long time but it was really interesting and I learned a lot. I'm seriously continually blown away with how relevant astrology can be to self discovery, and also by how MUCH there is to learn about it. I'm constantly learning new things, it's like a constantly renewing Self-Help book. I can't believe it's already 2:30!

There's not too much to report here, other than my developing pretty serious PUPPP a week or so ago. I was going to write a long, tongue in cheek write up about it here but honestly it's just way too excruciating at this moment for me to laugh at, heh.

Somehow I've managed to experience just about every notoriously unlucky thing that could possibly happen to me during pregnancy, have you noticed that? I must be working off an extraordinary amount of karma here, so I'm trying to take it in stride. I'm buying the little boy a t-shirt from ragebaby.com that says "Sent From the Future to Clean This Mess Up" because at this point, after how difficult and trying this entire pregnancy has been, I'll be really, really surprised if he isn't actually the real life John Connor.

"Sorry about the 6 months of all-day puking, the 4 months of almost complete immobility, the flirting with gestational diabetes, the terrifying weight gain, the relentless insomnia and now the insanity-inducing rash, Mom. Although surely my inevitable saving of all humanity must be of some comfort."

Would that make me some semblance of Sarah Connor, then? Because for the record, that's a position I'm more than comfortable with.


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